söndag 27 november 2011


In the heart of Copenhagen you’ll find one of the longest pedestrian street in the world. Pulsing city life, street musicians and beautiful architecture is only a few words to describe Strøget, but it is so much more. 1,6 kilometres long, the street is Copenhagen’s number one in fashion and is a must for everyone that visit Copenhagen. You’ll find everything you can imagine here, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gant, Ralf Lauren and the huge department store Illum. It’s easy to get lost here so we did you the favour to make a shopping guide, and the things you simply have to see and do


Abercrombie & Fitch, located in the middle of Strøget and is a clothing brand from New York. There is only a few stores all around the world and Copenhagen is gifted with one of them. The experience itself, you will get, from visiting the store is solely worth the while. Dimmed lights, pounding music and a strong smell of perfume this brand has risen to be one of the trendiest clothing brands in the world. And to top it all of it’s not too pricy it’s quite affordable. Their iconic shirt, and nice jeans it’s a has-to-have in everyone’s closet.


Only a brief walk away you’ll find another great store this time a bit more exclusive, Gant. The Swedish based brand is now one the most trendy and popular brands in the world. The store is light and exquisite decorated. Friendly and helpful staff will do everything to make you feel welcome. Theirs is a different Gant store close by, called Gant Rugger. This is a new branch in the Gant clothing name same nice quality but with a different inspiration. They’re all about creating modern, fashion clothes with distinct vintage edge.


Copenhagen’s most famous shopping center is called Illum, always loaded with people is definitely worth visiting while you’re in Copenhagen. Standing five stories tall with more than 25 000 square meters shopping you will find everything, fashion, interiors, design and beauty. 


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