Nyhavn, which originally was a port that would protect the Danes from the Swedes have now been converted into a cozy area with plenty of restaurants, pubs and clubs. Nyhavn is located in Copenhagen and is one of the most sought after places to visit for tourists. Nyhavn is especially popular among 16 – 24 year olds, which is what our potential costumers are. In my opinion Nyhavn is very similar to Lilla-Torg in Sweden and the only difference is you speak Danish on Nyhavn and Swedish on Lilla-Torg.
When you visit Nyhavn on bright day you can join the sightseeing boats that travel along the entire channel. The boat tour cost about 100 DK for an adult. If you under age or just want to relax and don’t want to drink any alcoholic drinks there are a wide range of cafés, stores and bakeries. The bakeries serve big pastries but there is often no place to sit and they don’t have a lot to offer in beverages. If you want a lot of variaty in drinks you have to visit the cafés. Here you can find all kinds of drinks but maybe only a small cookie if you compare them to the ones you get in the bakeries. In the cafés you will find plenty of room to be seated, so it’s just a mater of personal opinion what you prefer.
Nyhavn is located north of Kongens Nytorv which in turn lies along Strøget. You can get to Nyhavn on numerous ways. If you want to se a big part of Copenhagen you can walk along Strøget until you reach Kongens Nytorv then you can’t miss where Nyhavn is located. If you are a little lazier and rather take the bus you can choose number 1A, 15 or 26. You can also ride T-Bana, the easiest place to take it is from Huvudbahne and the station you will exist is Kongens Nytorv.
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